Therapy is Cool: Embracing Mental Wellness and Self-Discovery

People used to think therapy was only for people with serious mental health issues, but society has come a long way from that negative stigma. Through social media, education, and awareness, lots of people accept therapy as a necessary tool for navigating life. It’s okay to need someone to guide you and help you through difficult emotions. You can improve your life, build resilience, and foster meaningful connections with those around you.

You shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed to see a therapist!

Destigmatizing mental health has made therapy more and more acceptable and accessible for everyone. Celebrities and influencers have used social media to talk more openly about their mental health, and they have open conversations about their own personal struggles with their fans and viewers. This kind of open-mindedness has encouraged others to seek help. Seeing a therapist is no longer considered a sign of weakness but rather a courageous step in one’s healing journey.

You can practice genuine vulnerability with a therapist!

We often receive conflicting messages about sharing our feelings and personal opinions. Telling someone how we feel about anything is terrifying. What if they reject us for how we feel? What if they tell us we’re wrong? What if they see us differently? There is a deep fear of sharing because of how humans treat each other sometimes. To a lot of people, admitting you have feelings is weak. 

No matter what is happening in your piece of the world, your therapist will always provide a safe place for you to truly express yourself. You can talk about your responses to your world and share your perception without someone making you feel as if you’re overreacting or being dramatic. Your therapist has the honor of seeing your authentic self and showing you how to lessen the fear of doing so with others.

And you know what? Sometimes when you’re vulnerable with others, they won’t respond in the ways you need them to. No one is perfect. Working with your therapist will allow you to grow in such a way that your world won’t shatter or come to a screeching halt when someone lets you down. You will be able to bloom into your true self, focusing on your own light so that you may share it with others. You should be unapologetically and unabashedly you.

Who are you? Do you really know yourself?

Most people spend their lives simply living without wondering very much about themselves. They react to life without considering why they react that way. They don’t stop to find the root of their anger, sadness, or shame. They go through these emotions without understanding that their behavior is a pattern of their unconscious beliefs about themselves and unhealed wounds. These reactions hold them back from fulfilling lives, and they don’t know how to get to know themselves.

Therapy is an intense and wonderful journey of self-discovery. You get the opportunity to truly understand why you experience emotions the way you do, and what events in your life led you to what you see in your reflection. Tracing these patterns will help you make conscious decisions to change these different aspects of your life, shedding what no longer serves you. You can find your power and take it back.

You can develop coping skills that actually work!

You’ve seen all the millions of articles brimming with “positive ways” to change your mindset and clear out negativity. Your social media feeds probably scream at you all day about the vacations you should be taking to solve your problems and the various ways you can simply avoid what makes you unhappy. A therapist provides you with actual tools that help you calm your nervous system so that you have the chance to take a breath and manage the daily stress of life. Even better, these tools will realistically fit your lifestyle.

Therapy will strengthen your relationships!

Your mental health is the main priority. However, you should also consider how your mental health affects your relationships with others. When you’re struggling, your partner will notice, your family will see it, and your friends might wonder how to help. Without meaning to, you might lash out at the people closest to you. If you don’t have the tools and vocabulary to communicate, then how can you possibly ask your loved ones for what you need while you grow and heal? Through therapy, you gain insight into your communication style, emotional triggers, and relationship dynamics. Understanding these vital parts of your life will help you foster healthier and more fulfilling connections with all the people you love.

Are you ready to ask for help?

You can fill out our inquiry form and tell us a little bit more about yourself. We would love to match you with a therapist who can help you find your voice and speak up for the person you really and truly are.


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